What's Inside:
Programming the IBM System 360
Chap 1 - Introduction to System/360
Chap 2 - Assembly Language
Chap 3 - Addressing
Chap 4 - Branching
Chap 5 - Indexing; Looping
Chap 6 - External Linkage
Chap 7 - Internal Linkage to Subroutines
Chap 8 - Program Layout and Organization
Chap 9 - Binary Arithmetic
Chap 10 - Floating-Point Arithmetic
Chap 11 - Decimal Arithmetic
Chap 12 - Arithmetic Conversions
Chap 13 - Bit Manipulation
Chap 14 - Byte Manipulation
Chap 15 - Word Manipulation
Chap 16 - Table Look-Up
Chap 17 - Character Transformation
Chap 18 - Editing Output
Chap 19 - PSW and Interrupts
Chap 20 - Input-Output (Hardware Oriented)
Chap 21 - Input-Output (User Oriented)
==> PF3
Debugging System 360/370 Programs Using OS and VS Storage Dumps
Chap 1 - Storage Dump Concepts
Chap 2 - Data Identification
Chap 3 - External Abends
Chap 4 - Internal Abends
Chap 5 - Variable Values
Chap 6 - Machine Instructions
Chap 7 - Completion Codes
==> PF3
Assembler Language Programming, The IBM System/370 Family
Chap 1 - Introduction to Computer Structure: The IBM System/370
Chap 2 - Introduction to IBM System/370 Machine Language
Chap 3 - Introduction to Assembler Language
Chap 4 - Information Move and Binary Integer Arithmetic
Chap 5 - Writing a Complete Program
Chap 6 - Conversions and Subroutines
Chap 7 - Elementary Control Structures
Chap 8 - Looping and Address Modification
Chap 9 - Debugging
Chap 10 - Character or Byte Operations
Chap 11 - Bit Operations
Chap 12 - Input and Output Through the Operating System
Chap 13 - Floating-Point Arithmetic
Chap 14 - Decimal Arithmetic
Chap 15 - Translate, Edit and Execute Instructions
Chap 16 - Macro Definition and Conditional Assembly
Chap 17 - System Control Functions
==> PF3
MVS Performance Management
Chap 1 - MVS History and Evolution
Chap 2 - Physical Resources
Chap 3 - Virtual and Logical Resources
Chap 4 - Workloads
Chap 5 - The Language of SRM, Part I
Chap 6 - The Language of SRM, Part II
Chap 7 - SRM Parameters I: OPT
Chap 8 - SRM Parameters II:IPS and ICS
Chap 9 - Introduction to Performance Problems
Chap 10 - Measurement and Prediction
Chap 11 - Solving Performance Problems
Chap 12 - Application Tuning

Later editions: CBTTape.org
==> PF3
SNA: IBM's Networking Solution
Chap 1 - Network Architectures
Chap 2 - SNA Concepts
Chap 3 - SNA Functional Layers
Chap 4 - Routing and Data Flow
Chap 5 - SNA Services
Chap 6 - SNA and the OSI Model
Chap 7 - SNA Program Products
Chap 8 - Advanced Program-to-Program Communication
Chap 9 - Logical Unit 6.2 Implementation
Chap 10 - Office Automation Architectures
Chap 11 - SNA Distribution Services
Chap 12 - SNA Network Interconnection
Chap 13 - Data Link Control
Chap 14 - SDLC Frames
Chap 15 - SDLC Data Flow
Chap 16 - SDLC Polling and Loop Operation
Chap 17 - Path Control
Chap 18 - Path Control Services
Chap 19 - Transmission Control
Chap 20 - Data Flow Control
Chap 21 - End-User Services
Chap 22 - The Function Management Header
Chap 23 - Session Services
Chap 24 - Session Termination and Outage Notification
Chap 25 - Configuration Services
Chap 26 - Switched Links and Network Deactivation
Chap 27 - Maintenance and Management Services
Chap 28 - The Future of SNA
==> PF3
System 370 Job Control Language
Chap 1 - Introduction
Chap 2 - Introduction to JCL and System/370
Chap 3 - JCL Within a Job
Chap 4 - JCL Statement Formats and Rules
Chap 5 - The JOB Statement
Chap 6 - The EXEC Statement
Chap 7 - Parameters Common to JOB and EXEC Statements
Chap 8 - The DD Statement
Chap 9 - More on the DD Statement
Chap 10 - DD Statements for Peripheral I/O Devices
Chap 11 - Direct-Access Storage Devices
Chap 12 - Magnetic Tapes
Chap 13 - Cataloged and In-Stream Procedures
Chap 14 - The Linkage Editor and Loader
Chap 15 - IBM Utility Programs
Chap 16 - Sort/Merge
Chap 17 - Miscellaneous JCL Features
Chap 18 - Direct,ISAM and VSAM Data Sets

Current Edition (sadly, electronic format only): zOS JCL, 5th Edition
==> PF3
VSAM Concepts, Programming and Design
Chap 1 - Basic Concepts of VSAM
Chap 2 - Internal Organization
Chap 3 - Alternate Index
Chap 4 - VSAM/ICF Catalog Management and Security
Chap 5 - AMS Commands: An Overview
Chap 6 - VSAM Data Set Allocation
Chap 7 - Loading Data Sets
Chap 8 - Printing Data Sets
Chap 9 - Alternate Index Allocation
Chap 10 - Use of DELETE, ALTER and VERIFY
Chap 11 - Listing Catalog Entries
Chap 12 - Additional Topics on AMS
Chap 13 - Processing KSDS without Alternate Index(es)
Chap 14 - Processing a KSDS with Alternate Index(es)
Chap 15 - Processing an ESDS
Chap 16 - Processing an RRDS
Chap 17 - Additional Features of VSAM
==> PF3
Data Language No. I (DL/I) Encyclopedia
See a PDF of actual document's front page and table of contents:
Data Language No. I (DL/I) Encyclopedia

==> PF3
IMS Programming Techniques - A Guide to Using DL/I
Chap 1 - IMS Systems and DL/I
Chap 2 - Basic DL/I Terminology
Chap 3 - Describing the Data Base to DL/I
Chap 4 - Random Retrieval
Chap 5 - Sequential Retrieval
Chap 6 - Loading and Inserting Segments
Chap 7 - Deleting and Updating Segments
Chap 8 - Using Command Codes
Chap 9 - Advanced Data Base Features
Chap 10 - IMS Data Communications Concepts
Chap 11 - Data Communications Programming Techniques
Chap 12 - Access Methods
==> PF3
IMS (DL/I) Data Base Organization and Performance
Chap 1 - Overview of DL/I Data Bases
Chap 2 - Hierarchical Sequential Access Method - HSAM
Chap 3 - Hierarchical Indexed Sequential Access Method - HISAM
Chap 4 - Hierarchical Direct Access Method - HDAM
Chap 5 - Hierarchical Indexed Direct Access Method - HIDAM
Chap 6 - Acces Method Selection Criteria
Chap 7 - Block Sizes
Chap 8 - Data Set Groups
Chap 9 - Logical Relations
Chap 10 - Secondary Indexes
Chap 11 - Pointer Options
Chap 12 - Physical Design Guidelines
Chap 13 - Buffer Pools and the Story They Tell
Chap 14 - Miscellaneous Performance Considerations
Chap 15 - Application Program Design Guidelines
Chap 16 - Space Calculations
Chap 17 - Time Calculations
Chap 18 - Application Program Modeling
==> PF3
IMS Administration, Programming and Data Base Design
Chap 1 - Introduction
Chap 2 - Goals and Users of the Data Base Design
Chap 3 - Logical Design
Chap 4 - Physical Design
Chap 5 - Data Sharing
Chap 6 - Data Base Support
Chap 7 - Utilities
Chap 8 - Online Considerations for the DBA
Chap 9 - Programming Techniques
Chap 10 - Online Considerations - for the Programmer
==> PF3
The IMS/VS Expert's Guide
Chap 1 - Application Program Types
Chap 2 - Database Alternatives
Chap 3 - Data Communications Alternatives
Chap 4 - Database Loading
Chap 5 - Checkpoint/Restart
Chap 6 - IMS System Design Considerations
Chap 7 - Abends and Debugging
Chap 8 - Linking to Other Systems
Chap 9 - DB2 Coding Considerations in IMS Programs
Chap 10 - IMS System Tuning
Chap 11 - IMS/ESA
==> PF3
Software Reliability Principles & Practices
Chap 1 - Definition of Software Reliability
Chap 2 - Errors - Their Causes and Consequences
Chap 3 - Basic Design Principles
Chap 4 - Requirements, Objectives, and Specification
Chap 5 - System Architecture
Chap 6 - Program Structure Design
Chap 7 - Design Practices
Chap 8 - Module Design and Coding
Chap 9 - Programming Style
Chap 10 - Testing Principles
Chap 11 - Module Testing
Chap 12 - Function and System Testing
Chap 13 - Debugging
Chap 14 - Management Techniques for Reliability
Chap 15 - Programming Languages and Reliability
Chap 16 - Computer Architecture and Reliability
Chap 17 - Proving Program Correctness
Chap 18 - Reliability Models
Chap 19 - Software Support Systems
==> PF3
The Art of Software Testing
Chap 1 - A Self-Assessment Test
Chap 2 - The Psychology and Economics of Program Testing
Chap 3 - Program Inspections, Walkthroughs and Reviews
Chap 4 - Test-Case Design
Chap 5 - Module Testing
Chap 6 - Higher-Order Testing
Chap 7 - Debugging
Chap 8 - Test Tools and Other Techniques

Current edition: The Art of Software Testing, 3rd Edition
==> PF3
Software Testing Techniques: Finding the Defects that Matter
Chap 1 - The Testing Challenge and Those Who Take It On
Chap 2 - Industrial-strength Software, It’s Not a Science Project
Chap 3 - The Development Process
Chap 4 - The Test and Development Divide
Chap 5 - Where to Start? Snooping for Information
Chap 6 - Coping with Complexity through Teaming
Chap 7 - Test Plan Focus Areas
Chap 8 - Testing for Recoverability
Chap 9 - Planning for Trouble
Chap 10 - The Magic of Reuse
Chap 11 - Developing Good Test Programs
Chap 12 - Data Corruption
Chap 13 - Tools—You Can’t Build a House without Them
Chap 14 - Emulating Customers to Find the Bugs that Matter
Chap 15 - Test Execution
Chap 16 - Testing with a Virtual Computer
Chap 17 - Simulators and Prototypes
Chap 18 - Managing the Test
Chap 19 - The Customer’s Role in Testing
Chap 20 - The Testing End Game

Now even this book from 2005 is (sadly) out of print.
==> PF3

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